Monday, January 8, 2007

Standby: Using electricty for.... Well, for Nothing!

I have heard several reports recently about the UK cracking down on appliances that come with a standby mode. Millions of Pounds are lost each year by appliances that appear to be off, but because they are still in standby mode are using electricity. I can't even imagine how much energy is lost in the US. Read more about it here and here.

Addendum January 9, 2007- OK, I just want to be honest. After posting on this yesterday, I decided to go through my house last night and turn off any electrical items that had a standby mode or that I normally leave on at night even though they are not doing anything. My TV, DVD player and speakers for the TV all come with standby modes. I also turned off our main computer which I normally leave on for no good reason other than I'm lazy. I turned off two monitors, a printer, computer speakers, and an external hard-drive all of which have standby modes. We do get a more affordable rate on electricity at night, but that is still no reason to waste it. Also, I am not sure that we will notice a significant difference in our electric bills, but over the course of months and years I imagine this will make a difference.

1 comment:

Brian said...

There is more to conservation than energy consumption. Electronics for example. If you leave your computer on, in standby or sleep mode, it may last twice as long as it would if you turn it on and off every night. Heating up and cooling down, (turning on and turning off) are major factors in the eventual death of electronic components. So... the question is, which is more wasteful? Cutting the life of your computer in half, or using a very small amount of electricity to keep it on and warm all night? I dont know the answer, but its a question that needs to be asked. When the government tells us we have to turn things off to save energy, I would seriously question whether any serious studies have been done to consider the collateral damage. But, they can proudly say that they are passing laws to save the environment, and consequently should be re-elected.